Player suggestions for House ownership.

Please Note, I am NOT the writer of the original house proposal, I am simply running this site as a spawn off from his site, I am also very interested in what should and will happen to houses, that is why im running this site.
Email suggestions here or leave them on the message board Here

A thorough suggestion for the Used Deed system by Jerry Visage
Miscellaneous suggestions

Outline for suggestions.

1: Read the original house proposal first and change any points you wish
2: Completely rewrite your own proposal listing features like
(a) How the owner of the house will be identified
(b) How houses will be bought/sold
(c) What will happen in regard to houses today
Please Note that these are only outlines, you can add or leave out whatever you wish

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Lord Morbid, Baja shard, Icq 9084712